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About the Legacy Award

The TMCC-NFA Legacy Award was created in 2023 to honor one member who consistently represents NFA values in service to their students, colleagues, and profession, in areas such as academic freedom, shared governance, employee rights, collective bargaining, etc. Recipients are announced during TMCC-NFA's year-end member recognition event and honored with a desktop award, and $500.

  1. Nominees must be members in good standing who have maintained membership for more than two consecutive semesters.

  2. Nominees must have demonstrated outstanding service through one or more activities such as:

    • Effectively serving on a shared governance committee as an official TMCC-NFA representative

    • Actively recruiting new members to TMCC-NFA

    • Representing TMCC-NFA on community organizations or at public events

    • Effectively representing TMCC-NFA positions/concerns to governing bodies through membership, public comment, testimony, etc.

    • Actively participating on a TMCC-NFA standing committee or ad-hoc committee

    • Volunteer work to support TMCC-NFA operations (event organizing, coordinated communication or social media campaigns, etc.)

  3. Nominees may not be current or outgoing TMCC-NFA officers.

  4. Past award recipients are ineligible to be nominated again for three years. 

  5. Nominators must be members in good standing.

Prior Legacy Award Recipients

2023 - Blisin Hestiyas

Professor Hestiyas took the reins of a difficult issue that affected all faculty who use Canvas to teach or support their classes. While negotiators worked to strengthen the collective bargaining agreement to restrict unscheduled visits to faculty classes, Professor Hestiyas realized that the language would not necessarily prevent unannounced access because an administrator's entry wasn't visible to the faculty member. In her role as chair of the Web College Committee of the Faculty Senate, she worked with other concerned faculty members to craft a proposal that tightened permissions and required visitors to be granted access to the class by either the faculty member or web college, which created a record of the visit. Her action has solved a concern expressed for years by nearly all faculty who use these online tools. She spent much the 2022-23 academic year working on behalf of her colleagues to protect academic freedom and enforce shared governance.

Contact Us:

Office: 702-530-4NFA (4632)



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