A message from NFA President Jim Strange

04 Oct 2016 4:07 PM | Deleted user

A Message from Nevada Faculty Alliance President Jim Strange

October 3, 2016

I hope everyone’s Fall semester is off to a good start and proceeding smoothly. I wish to tell you about some of the good things the Nevada Faculty Alliance has going on across the state.

Collective Bargaining

Faculty at CSN voted to certify collective bargaining in April. This successful campaign was a team effort between NFA members and other faculty at CSN, state NFA led by Executive Director David Steel, and the AAUP. Currently CSN-NFA is assembling its bargaining team and has formally requested to bargain with the CSN administration. Join me in wishing them the best in their effort “at the table.”

WNC is preparing to enter negotiations for the renewal of their Collective Bargaining Agreement. The overall relationship with the WNC administration is good, and all are hopeful for constructive negotiations.

Collective bargaining training was held Sep 9th and 10th at CSN. Mike Mauer  from the AAUP led the training. David Steel is planning to give negotiation training to chapters in the north based on these training sessions.

Preparation for the 2017 Legislative Session

The NFA currently has a promising lead on a lobbyist for the 2017 legislative session. Top priorities are faculty compensation and benefits and the NSHE Funding Formula. The NFA will be watching for any initiatives put forward by Governor Sandoval or the legislature which could potentially impact working conditions at the universities and colleges.

Political Action Committees: Preparing for the November Elections

The NFA Political Action Committees north and south have given a series of endorsements for both NSHE regent and state legislative races. The northern endorsements are complete, the southern vetting process is ongoing.

PAC members have questioned candidates on issues relating to higher education, from funding, including faculty pay, to the potential restructuring of NSHE. So far, SPAC endorsed candidates, all of whom have spoken face-to-face with PAC members, are:


District 3: Tick Segerblom

District 5: Joyce Woodhouse

District 6: Nicole Cannizzaro

District 11: Aaron Ford

District 18: Alexander Marks


District 3: Nelson Araujo

District 4: John Piro

District 6: William McCurdy II

District 8: Jason Frierson

District 9: Steve Yeager

District 10: Chris Brooks

District 15: Elliot Anderson

District 17: Tyrone Thompson

District 20: Ellen Spiegel

District 21: Ozzie Fumo

District 29: Lesley Cohen

District 34: Shannon Bilbray-Axelrod

The NFA northern PAC has also been active. Endorsees:


District 24: Amber Joiner

District 25: Jill Tolles

District 27: Teresa Benitez Thompson

District 30: Mike Sprinkle

District 31: Skip Daly


District 13: Julia Ratti

District 15: No endorsement was made in this race. Both candidates have very good, but different, credentials to serve in the Nevada Senate.

Regents endorsements:

District 6: Michael Wixom

District 7: Mark Doubrava

District 8: Cathy McAdoo

District 9: Sara LaFrance

District 11: Jason Geddes

Advocacy/Legal Defense

Chapters and members of the state board have been handling various issues and cases over the last few months. Most of them deal with disputed evaluations, support through grievances, and workload disputes.

NFA Vice President Rob Manis and David Steel conducted a legal defense training at NSC on September 17. This training covers the types of legal support and methods for assisting NFA members and fellow faculty with various labor issues that can arise.


Steven Cohen has been hired as an organizer to work UNLV. David Steel has met with him several times, put him through training, and has given him materials. We are still searching for a recruiter for UNR. We gained 21 new members in the month of September. David will be discussing new membership goals at the next meeting of the NFA State Board.

I want to thank you for your continued support of the Nevada Faculty Alliance. Through your support we are able to help improve our professional lives and those of fellow NSHE faculty.
